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Raw puerh from old and ancient trees growing at 1200-1300m in elevation in the Cao Bồ commune area of Hà Giang. Cao Bồ is about an hour and a half drive from Hà Giang city and just over the ridge to the west of Lùng Vài. The people living and working here are of the Dao ethnicity. Cao Bồ is a beautiful biodiverse area on the south east face of Tây Côn Lĩnh mountain, the tallest mountain in Hà Giang province.


This tea brews up into a golden green soup. It has notes of meadow flowers and cane sugar with some mountain forest profile. Has a medium body with a lingering floral sweet huigan in the mouth and throat and a relaxing qi. Low bitterness and astringency with an interesting active mouthfeel.


We got a good deal on this tea from a friend on this one and although it may not be as powerful as say Tủa Chùa for example, it is still a satisfying and great value of a tea. You could drink this as an upgraded daily drinker or anytime you need a puerh with a more gentle profile. 


Teas from Cao Bồ also tend to age well. I've had a few examples from 2020-2017 that have really impressed me. 


180g cakes ($0.15/ gram)


Season: Spring 2024

Picking Standard: 1 bud, 2-3 leaves

Region: Cao Bồ, Hà Giang

Elevation: 1200-1300m

Cao Bồ Spring 2024

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