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Giàng Pằng is a beautiful area in Yên Bái province. You drive up a treacherous dirt road, crossing streams and rocky sections until you reach the village at 1400m. The people living here are of the H’Mông ethnicity. You can see goats and exotic looking chickens and ducks scurrying around the tea tree gardens. This area also produces high quality cinnamon and you can see the cinnamon tree bark sun drying at people’s houses from time to time throughout the year. Giàng Pằng is typically foggy and rainy for much of the Spring but this year had many sunny days in March and April.


This tea is made from ancient tree material from our friend Lềnh’s family’s gardens that we processed in early April.


This tea brews up into a rich green golden soup. Heavily floral and vegetal with the characteristic melon/ plum leathery character that is prevalent in good teas from Giàng Pằng. This is a strong tea that goes many rounds with a deep huigan and energizing qi. Low-moderate bitterness and moderate astringency. 


This tea was produced on the "greener" side of processing and will benefit and improve with age.


200g Cakes ($0.21/gram)


Season: Spring 2024

Picking Standard: 1 bud, 2-3 leaves

Region: Giàng Pằng, Yên Bái

Elevation: 1400m

Giàng Pằng Spring 2024

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