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A nice one from one of our favorite areas in Hà Giang. 2023 wasn’t a great year for teas from this area and 2024 was looking to be similar due to consistent rain for much of March and April. We got lucky with about a week of sun at the end of April right when the big trees were flushing.


Lùng Vài is located on the eastern side of Tây Côn Lĩnh mountain, the tallest mountain in Hà Giang province. This tea makes for an interesting comparison with the tea from Cao Bồ which is just over the ridge to the west.


This tea features a warming, honey-apricot flavor with herbal, roasted nuts undertones. Brews up into a thick dark golden soup with light-medium bitterness and astringency. Medium thick mouthfeel, rich sweet huigan, and focused, warming qi.


Teas from this area age really well and the high raw material quality should make 2024 a good vintage for Lùng Vài.


190g cakes ($0.21/ gram)


Season: Spring 2024

Picking Standard: 1 bud, 2-3 leaves

Region: Lùng Vài, Phương Độ, Hà Giang

Elevation: 1000m-1100m

Lùng Vài Spring 2024

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