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Móng Rồng (Dragon Claw) is a type of Ya Bao tea made from the axillary buds of non-sinensis tea tree varietals. These buds emerge in the winter and will eventually develop into branches.


The varietal used to make this particular tea grows in a high elevation area in the Quản Bạ district of Hà Giang. It produces yellow-orange axillary buds and pink-red flowers. 


This batch of ya bao was allowed to mature to the point of forming partial leaves before harvesting in early spring of 2023. Harvesting at this later phase produces a tea that brews up more easily compared to the younger, heartier bud teas that can require some real effort to brew. The tea is quite beautiful and it's interesting to see how the buds transition into leaves. 


There are currently 6 varietals that are believed to be used to produce this type of tea in Vietnam but there are probably more that are possible to use.


This tea releases a strong fruity floral fragrance immediately after infusing with hot water. I recommend doing 2-3 minute+ steeps with 90-100 degree water. You could also lightly simmer them in a pot, as some locals do, to get a faster stronger brew. I also recommend boiling the buds after a tea session as it's hard to fully extract everything with typical gong fu style brewing. 


You'll notice the soup has a consistency almost like plain water with a green-yellow tinge. Try the tea and you'll experience the intense fragrance and flavor this tea has to offer. Floral, fruity, woody, peppery almost guava candy like flavor. Has a noticeable but different qi compared to Sinensis and Assamica teas.


Season: Early spring 2023

Picking Standard: 1 bud

Region: Quản Bạ, Hà Giang

Elevation: 2000m

Móng Rồng Ya Bao Spring 2023

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